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Tektronix DM44 manual 2 res including text searchable

For Sale: Tektronix DM44 manual 2 res including text searchable

Subject Tektronix DM44 manual 2 res including text searchable
Ad is submitted by poster: Tektronix DM44 Service/Operating Manual in PDF on CD
Why settle for just one resolution? You get them both!
For page samples from the high res PDF of this specific manual, click HERE.
(No need to "email for samples," so no need to worry about getting sold to a SPAM list!)
This manual covers the Tektronix Model DM44 DVM Accessory for the 4xx series 'scopes. It is scanned from the original Tektronix paper manual. All information available in the original manual is available here.
Two PDFs of the manual are provided, in two resolutions. One is:
Text with Drawings at 600dpi black and white
Schematics at 600dpi black and white
Text with photos at 600dpi grayscale with contrast adjusted
Schematics, board overlays that have color notes at 600dpi 256 colors
This resolution looks nice, but for many purposes uses excessive resources. Therefore, although it's great to have this resolution for those times you need higher definition (such as when printing), we include a second scan in more normal resolutions for daily research and use on the bench.
The second scan is done in resolutions that vary depending on individual page content, but are never higher than needed to produce a useable quality, quickly navigable file that will do the job without consuming more time and resources than are needed.
On the CD you'll receive the large "very high resolution" file, plus the smaller, faster and sometimes more useable text-searchable version. All original manual pages are supplied; nothing is added or subtracted. bears NO responsibility for this ad. Please report ads that do not follow our rules (on front page). Posted By: Tamra Frederick
Contact: (Tamra Frederick) (this is a temporary forwarding address).

Tektronix DM44 manual 2 res including text searchable